Career & Leadership

The Asian Personality Profiling System

Understanding People The Asian Way: The Asian Personality Profiling System Origins of The Asian Personality Profiling System Interestingly, the concept of Personality was explored more than 2000 years ago within the Chinese metaphysical system. The development of this type of ancient Chinese metaphysical study started during the Zhou dynasty (1046 to 256 BC) and came to flourish…

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Why Don’t They Understand Me?

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” ― C.G. Jung Do you feel that you are often misunderstood on how you would react to a situation?  Are you given opportunities that doesn’t resonate with you but others feel that you will be good at doing?  This is a common

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Bazi Profile | The Process Oriented Profiles – Why We Behave The Way We Do

“It is easier to understand machines….of course it is easier to understand machines – we have their operating manuals” People with the process orientation in their Bazi Profile are those who will ensure that all the items in the checklist are adhered to.  Hence, they are good at ensuring everything in the organization goes according

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Bazi Interpretation | The Analysis-Oriented Profiles – Why We Do Things The Way We Do

Bazi Interpretation | The Analysis-Oriented Profiles It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret. This quote probably sums up how many of us feel today with the rapid technological changes in our environment.  These feelings of uncertainty albeit filled with a sense of excitement heightened even further after we attended a recent DIGITEC

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Bazi Interpretation | The People Oriented Profiles – Why We Do The Things We Do

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Michael Jordan Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford Do you prefer to work with people?  Are you emotional when the livelihood of your team members are involved? The answer to these questions determine whether you are influenced

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Bazi Interpretation | The Idea Oriented Profiles – Why We Do Things The Way We Do

Bazi Interpretation | The Idea Oriented Profiles I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. ― Albert Einstein Do you have the creative genes in you to produce Wealth in your Bazi chart according to the Asian Personality Profiling system?  For those who are influenced by the idea-orientation in their Bazi

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Bazi Interpretation | The Action-Oriented Profiles – Why We Do Things The Way We Do

Bazi Interpretation | The Action-Oriented Profiles “Positive thinking is wishful thinking without taking action” In a previous article “Are you destined to be rich?”, I shared that it is more a person’s daily thoughts, intentions, characteristics and actions that determines the wealth potential in the 2000-year-old Asian Personality Profiling System – modern day Bazi

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Three Steps to a Happier and More Successful You

Bazi Interpretation for the Modern World | Three Steps to a Happier and More Successful You

Bazi Interpretation for the Modern World  Two things define you: your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything. This is a great quote that I read recently and it resonates deeply with me. With the recent passing of my mum and all that has been happening within my family, with

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Understand and maximize your team's potential

Bazi Profile | Understand & Maximize Your Team’s & Your Inborn Potential

Bazi Profile | Understand & Maximize Your Team’s & Your Inborn Potential Teams are made up of individuals.  It is critical to understand the individual team member’s intrinsic talent and maximize the team’s potential by having the right people performing the right roles within the organization or team environment. It is even more important for the

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Bazi Profile | Being Happy & Successful: Managing Yourself and Others

Bazi Profile | Being Happy & Successful: Managing Yourself and Others If you’re not completely fulfilled with your role at work—and who is, after all?—then you owe it to yourself to order your copy of “Being Happy & Successful: Managing Yourself and Others”. This powerful book reveals the importance of knowing your Bazi personality profile,

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How Knowing Your Personality Profile Can Help You Succeed

Bazi Profile | How Knowing Your Bazi Personality Profile Can Help You Succeed

I had another enjoyable session over the weekend sharing with participants how they can identify their intrinsic talent to maximize their potential through understanding themselves and their Bazi personality profile better.   “This workshop has provided me with an intricate & in depth insight into my strengths and weaknesses (inborn) and it will enable me

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How does your personality affect your motivations

Bazi Profile | How Does Your Bazi Personality Affect Your Motivations?

Bazi Profile | How Does Your Bazi Personality Affect Your Motivations? “It’s not easy to understand people cos humans are most complex…easier to handle machines…” This is a comment on our company’s (Trilogy™ People Performance Consultancy) LinkedIn page over the weekend in response to my previous article “Different Strokes for Different Folks ( ”. I totally

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Bazi Profile | What is Your Leadership Style And How Does It Impact the Way You Lead?

Bazi Profile | What is Your Leadership Style And How Does It Impact the Way You Lead? “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” -Richard Branson I was pleasantly surprised when two successful entrepreneurs whom I have been inspired by, were both invited to speak at

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How Does Your Personality Affect Your Passion, Talent and Competency at Work

Bazi Profile | How Does Your Personality Affect Your Passion, Talent and Competency at Work?

Bazi Profile | How Does Your Personality Affect Your Passion, Talent and Competency at Work? Like most people, you may sometimes feel as though you’re not hitting your maximum potential and talent in your role on the job. You may feel as though you’re not connecting with your colleagues, or that some unknown force is

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