Bazi Interpretation | The People Oriented Profiles – Why We Do The Things We Do

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Michael Jordan

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Henry Ford

Do you prefer to work with people?  Are you emotional when the livelihood of your team members are involved? The answer to these questions determine whether you are influenced by the People orientation profiles in your Bazi chart.  This is according to the Asian Personality Profiling system.  For those who belong to the people-oriented profiles, it is the opportunity to be working in an environment or job role that allows this connection with people, and the ability to influence people or value add to others that will drive your motivation and passion in life.

Are you a Leader or a Friend at heart?

Figure 1 : People-Oriented Profiles (Details in Being Happy and Successful – Managing Yourself and Others)

The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood.

Ralph Nichols


In a recent training session where the key focus was on team communication and collaboration, a pre-workshop survey highlighted that team members’ morale were affected due to differences in communication style and points of views.  It highlighted that though the team were individually motivated, the goals of the team and organization were affected due to the lack of team engagement.

Figure 2 : People-Oriented Profiles – Styles and Strategies of working with them

Details in Being Happy and Successful – Managing Yourself and Others:


The ability to see things through others’ perspective, which is one of the people orientation profile strengths, will enhance empathy and thus allow for better communication and collaboration. When people realize that others treat them according to how they see themselves rather than how they really were, everyone involved will be less defensive and emotional.

Watch this short clip on The People-Oriented Profiles (Bazi – The Asian Personality Profiling System (Part 4C)) to find out more.


Thank you for taking time to read this post.  Tune in next time to find out about the Process-oriented profiles.

Janet Yung ( Feng Shui and Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser.


P.S. More on how this traditional time-tested Asian Personality Profiling system of Bazi has evolved to meet today’s career and business needs:

Career and Leadership


Would you like to find out your unique personality style? If yes, please click on this link :  for your career profile report. 

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